My first job as automation engineer was about automating a manual task. It used to be that you spoke with a technician in the company, agreed the signal levels for the input and output, the size of the internal memory for the PLC and then it was done!
Nowadays it’s about integrating production lines and sections of factories, even entire factories.
It’s more exciting than ever to sell automation now, when IT and automation merge into each other! This development has created numerous opportunities, but also of course means challenges, both for users and for us as suppliers.
Open automation and software platforms unite production with the flow of information within the company to streamline decision-making, increase flexibility and make production more efficient. Much of the work is about highlighting the opportunities for improvements by measuring output, comparing the most recent runs with the previous week’s top result to show energy usage per unit produced.
Today’s automation systems can be used in most industries. This means fewer different systems to keep track of, both for users and suppliers. However, integrating an entire production line also requires accessing operating elements and sensors which can be configured without adapting the software. The key is platforms which can easily integrate third party applications using open standards.
Of course it would be much easier if you could just rebuild from scratch, but usually we are faced with old systems to be upgraded. Almost all automation suppliers therefore have conversion programmes to move customer installations from an old system to a newer one, whilst retaining the existing cable installation.
As suppliers, how can we make it easier for people to use new IT technology? At a general level, it means what we offer has to range from products through to complete solutions. In order for us to provide the correct equipment and solution, we as suppliers must understand how the company is built and how it acts on the market.
Of course, the customer has to be able to see the advantages of the new solutions. Often however, purchasing competence comes at the expense of more knowledge being spent on external companies. Consequently, we as suppliers must transfer our expertise to the users before the decision is made. One way is through training and seminars which are more focussed on the result than the technology; ditto workshops, where customers can learn the systems. It is also key to have networks where suppliers and users can exchange their experiences. Sweden has a number of networks within the field of automation, including Automation Region, Sesam, Process IT Automation and Produktionslyftet.
All new opportunities and challenges make our work exciting. If I were young today and had to choose a career, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second in going for automation. The field covers many different and interesting types of technology, from the push button on the factory floor to business systems and everything in between.